*BSD News Article 41051

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From: joeg@gagme.wwa.com (Josef Grosch)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.announce
Subject: Semimonthly Software list for *BSD
Followup-To: comp.os.386bsd.misc
Date: 15 Jan 1995 16:58:03 -0600
Organization: WorldWide Access - Chicagoland Internet Services
Lines: 1495
Approved: 386bsd-announce@agate.berkeley.edu
Expires: 2/7/95
Message-ID: <3fc99r$si8@gagme.wwa.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: gagme.wwa.com

Last Modified: \$Date: 1994/11/12 15:38:06 $ GMT

This is an announcement for *BSD users. It provides a software list for
FreeBSD & NetBSD (and maybe other BSD systems ?). This list is divided into
three sections and it will be posted twice a month (1st and 15th).  This
list only can be up to date when YOU, the *BSD community tell me about
changes of the programs & ports. I can't look everyday if there's something
new or if there are any versions changed so you have to tell me. I
currently only have a email connection to the Internet. Hopefully, in the
next few months this will change but for now I need help keeping this list
up to date.

The first section shows a list of ported software & binary packages which
can be obtained from freebsd.cdrom.com. It's a list of FreeBSD software and
some of these programs maybe won't run under NetBSD (someone told me) so
can anyone from the NetBSD-Front send me such a list for the NetBSD people
?  If something's changed please don't hesitate to mail me and tell me what
has been changed.

The second section is a software list from other UNIX communities
(e.g. Linux and others) which can be ported very easily so there's no need
for a real port and we can save disk space. It's also the place for
miscellanous stuff like binary packages & other things on different places.
That means you, the *BSD community, have to check which programs and
sources can be installed without any problems so that they don't need to be
added to the packages directories.  If you find any useful software which
doesn't appear in this list, please send me a mail with the following form:

Subject: Software list for *BSD

category:server(inetnum):path/program:description [changes]

E.g. category is communication or diskutils etc., server and inetnum is the
address of the FTP-server, path/program is the path and the name of the
program where to find this application, description could be some short
statements and optional minimal changes (inetnum is also optional). By the
way: please add a comment on which system you tested the software (FreeBSD
or NetBSD & Version)!

The third section is a commercial software list.  If you want to provide
Software for the commercial section please send me a mail with the
following form:

Subject: Software list for *BSD (commercial)

productname:company:Tel/Fax:address:description [email/ftp]

The entry email/ftp is optional if the company offers information via mail-
or ftp-server.

We won't list prices here unless I will get dozens of mails from users who
are begging for a price list or a company will send me millions of
dollars. :-) I think if you ask at these companies, they will give you the
price for their product so we don't have to mention it in this list.

If you would like to change something or if you have any
suggestions/proposals feel free to write me at

*NOTE* Since the FreeBSD community is currently making the transition from
release 1.x to 2.x those packages that are know to work on release 2.x will
be noted with the following mark. - (FBSD 2.x). Those packages that have
not yet been ported to release 2.x will be marked as (FBSD 1.x).


Josef Elijah Aaron Grosch

Your comments are welcome.


        I. Packages & ported software for FreeBSD (& maybe NetBSD ?)

You can find these ported programs (sources) as subtree at:


Subdirectory audio:

Network Audio System (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.2 PL1
        Comment: Network Audio System

snd-util (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 1.0
        Comment: Miscellaneous Sound Driver Utilities

sox (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 10 PL11
        Comment: SOund eXchange - universal sound sample translator

tracker (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 4.3
        Comment: play soundtracker modules on a Unix machine

Subdirectory comm:

flexfax (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.3
        Comment: Fax Send/Receive Software

kermit (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 5A(189)
        Comment: Kermit Communications Package

mgetty+sendfax (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 0.22
        Comment: Mgetty is a ``smart'' getty replacement, designed to be
        used with hayes compatible data and data/fax modems.  
        Sendfax send the named g3 fax files to the fax machine at "phone

rzsz (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.36
        Comment: ZModem Communications Package

seyon (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.14c
        Comment: X windows Communications Package

term (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 1.07
        Comment: Terminal-Multiplexing Utility

Subdirectory db:

ingres (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 8.9
        Comment: UCB Ingres Database

Subdirectory devel:

cflow (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: Functional Call Hierarchy Tool

dejagnu (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 1.0
        Comment: GNU Program Test Suite

gdb (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 4.11
        Comment: GNU Debugger

gic (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 1.1
        Comment: Graphical Interface to CVS

gmake (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.71
        Comment: GNU Make Utility

m4 (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.3
        Comment: GNU implementation of traditional UNIX macro processor. 

mprof (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.0
        Comment: Memory Profiler and Leak Detector

Subdirectory editor:

aXe (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 6.0
        Comment: aXe editor

emacs (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 19.27
        Comment: GNU Emacs

jove (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 4.16 Beta
        Comment: Jove is a simple text editor in the spirit of GNU emacs,
        but somewhat smaller and faster to start up.

mule (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.1
        Comment: a multilingual editor based on emacs-19.27.
point (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: point - the Tk based screen editor

uemacs (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 3.12
        Comment: Micro EMACS Editor

vile (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: vile - VI-Like emacs 

Subdirectory game:

golddig (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2
        Comment: an X arcade game

jetpack (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: Jetpack is an arcade action game.

nethack (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: Nethack game

oneko (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.1b
        Comment: oneko displays a cat chasing the mouse.

seahaven (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: none
        Comment: solitaire card game

xboing (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 1.8
        Comment: breakout-line X game with sound

xjewel (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.6
        Comment: tetris-like X game

xmines (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: Minesweeper game

xmris (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 4.02
        Comment: An Adventure-like game

xpilot (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 3.0
        Comment: Multi User Shoot 'em up game

xtrek (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 6.1
        Comment: Star Trek game

Subdirectory lang:

bwbasic (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 2.10
        Comment: Bywater BASIC Interpreter/Shell

f2c (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: ?
        Comment: Fortran-To-C Converter

forth (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 0.9.4a
        Comment: Forth environment

gcc1 (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 1.39
        Comment: GNU C Compiler

gcc (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.6.2
        Comment: GNU C Compiler

itcl (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.5
        Comment: Object-oriented extensions for Tcl

logo (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.0.1
        Comment: UCB LOGO language

p2c (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.21 alpha
        Comment: Pascal to C translator

perl (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 4.0 PL36
        Comment: PERL Language

sather (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.0.2
        Comment: Sather Compiler

schemetoc (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 15mar93
        Comment: Scheme->C, a scheme compiler

scm (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 4e1
        Comment: Scheme Interpreter

sml (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 0.93
        Comment: Standard ML compiler

tcl (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 7.3
        Comment: Tool Command Language

tclX (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 7.3b
        Comment: Extended TCL

xlispstat (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: xlispstat - a lisp based statistical plotting package (2D/3D)

Subdirectory mail:

elm (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.4 PL2
        Comment: Elm Mail Reader

metamail (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: Metamail - implementation of MIME, the Multipurpose
        Internet Mail Extensions 

mh (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 6.8.3
        Comment: Mail Software

mush (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 7.2.5
        Comment: Mail User's Shell

pine (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.91 
        Comment: Mail reader

popper (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.7
        Comment: Post Office Protocol

procmail (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.10
        Comment: local mail delivery agent

smail (FBSD 2.x)
        Comment: Mail agent

Subdirectory math:

blas (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1, 2 & 3
        Comment: Linear Algebra Routines

eispack (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: Matrix Eigensystem Routines

fudgit (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.41
        Comment: double-precision multi-purpose data-processing and fitting

gnuplot (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.5
        Comment: "command-driven interactive function plotting program."

hexcalc (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: a multi-radix calculator for x11

linpack (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: Linear algebra package

octave (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 0.72
        Comment: Numerical Problem-Solving Language

oleo (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.6
        Comment: GNU spreadsheet program

Subdirectory net:

archie (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.4.1
        Comment: Internet search tool

cern_httpd (FBSD 2.x)
        Comment: WWW server form CERN

chimera (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.61
        Comment: WWW X-client

dgd (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.0.8
        Comment: DGD (MUD server), with LPmud 2.4.5++ example simulation lib

fspclient (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 0.0-h (??)

gn (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.17
        Comment: gopher and http server

gopher (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.0 PL6
        Comment: INTERNET Information Browsing Tool

irc (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.8.20
        Comment: the 'Internet Relay Chat' Server.

ircII (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.6
        Comment: the 'Internet Relay Chat' Client.

lynx (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2-3-1
        Comment: WWW client for use with non graphic terminals

ncftp (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.0b8
        Comment: special ftp

pidentd (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.4 alpha
        Comment: a RFC1413 identification server

pcnfsd (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 93.02.16
        Comment: Sun PC NFS authentication and printing server as of

pmf (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.13.1
        Comment: Padrone's Mud Frontend

sup (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: CMU network file updating protocol

tcpblast (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: TCPBLAST messures the throughput of a tcp connection

tcp_wrapper (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 6.3
        Comment: With this package you can monitor and filter incoming
        requests for the SYSTAT, FINGER, FTP, TELNET, RLOGIN, RSH, EXEC,
        TFTP, TALK, and other network services.

tintin++ (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.5 PL16

tkWWW (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 0.12
        Comment: a WWW client based on Tcl/Tk.

wais (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 0.3
        Comment: FreeWAIS 0.3 from CNIDR

wu-ftpd (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.4
        Comment: Wuarchive FTP

yale-tftpd (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: yale-tftpd is an improved tftpd server.

ytalk (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 3.2
        Comment: ytalk - requires XFree86

zircon (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 1.15
        Comment: Zircon, the Tk/DP based IRC client

Subdirectory news:

cnews (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 930220
        Comment: USENET News Software C-News

inn (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.6
        Comment: Internet News Software

nn (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 6.5.0.b3
        Comment: Internet News reader

nntp (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.5.11
        Comment: Network News Transfer Protocol

slurp (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 1.08
        Comment: Advanced Passive NNTP Client

trn (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.5
        Comment: Threaded Newsreader

tin (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.2 Patch level 2
        Comment: Threaded Newsreader

Subdirectory print:

a2ps (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 4.3
        Comment: formats an ascii file for printing on a postscript printer. 

afm (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: Adobe Font Metrics

dvi2xx (FBSD 2.x)
        Comment: A collection of DVI to ??? filters

dvips (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 558
        Comment: DVI to Postscript filter

dviselect (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: Dviselect selects pages from a DVI file produced by TeX,
        creating a new DVI file usable by any of TeX's conversion program,
        or even by dviselect itself.

latex (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 209
        Comment: Tex macros 

makeindex (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.0.8
        Comment: The program makeindex is a general purpose hierarchical
        index generator. 

mltex (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.1415
        Comment: MLTeX is modification of TeX 3.1415 that allows
        hyphenation of words with accented letters using ordinary "cm"

psutils (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.13
        Comment: utilities for manipulating PostScript documents

tex (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.14t3
        Comment: TeX Document Formatting Language

texk (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 3.1415 (C Version 6.1)
        Comment: TeX document formatting system

texinfo (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.0
        Comment: GNU Texinfo Support

transfig (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.1.8
        Comment: Tools to convert Xfig's .fig files.

Subdirectory shell:

bash (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.14.2
        Comment: GNU Bourne Again Shell

csh (FBSD 2.x)
        Comment: Berkeley Csh

ksh (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 4.9
        Comment: Korn Shell

tcsh (FBSD 2.x)

        Version: 6.05
        Comment: C-Shell w/Advanced Features

zsh (FBSD 1.x)
        version: 2.3.1
        Comment: ZSH shell

Subdirectory util: 

calc (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.9.3t6
        Comment: arbitrary precision calculator.

expect (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 4 ALPHA
        Comment: I/O Processing / Parsing Tool

hfs (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 0_37
        Comment: program for reading Macintosh HFS floppy disks, hard
        drives and CDROMs 

ile (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: ile - the Interactive Line Editor (for other programs)

iozone (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.16
        Comment: Disk Benchmark Utility

ispell (FBSD 2.x)
        Version 3.1.08
        Comment: Interactive spelling checker

less (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.77
        Comment: Text Pager

md5 (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: none
        Comment: cryptographic checksums

mshell (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: ??? 
        Comment: a Unix menuing shell

mtools (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.0.7
        Comment: MS-DOS File Xfer Tools

netpbm (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1mar1994
        Comment: a toolkit for conversion of images between different

pcvt (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: Syscons & PCcons Replacement (Virtual Console Driver)

pkg_install (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.0
        Comment: Package Installation Software

readline (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: GNU readline library

sc (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 6.21
        Comment: Spreadsheet Calculator

screen (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.5.2
        Comment: Multi-screen utility

ss (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 1.2 BETA
        Comment: Spreadsheet Calculator (sc) w/Changes

syscons_xtra (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 1.0
        Comment: Extra Utilities for Syscons Driver

tcx (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 1.1
        Comment: Transparently Compressed Executables

top (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.2
        Comment: A System Monitoring Utility

unshar (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: SHarchive Unpacker

wine (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 940209
        Comment: Microsoft Windows Support

Wnn (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 4.2
        Comment: a Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (only Japanese

xsysstats (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.32
        Comment: a system information display tool

zcrypt (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: ?
        Comment: Poor-man's Crypt

Subdirectory util/archiver:

lha (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 1.01u
        Comment: LHa Archive Utility

unarj (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 2.41
        Comment: ARJ Archive Utility

unzip (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 5.12
        Comment: ZIP Archive Utilities

zoo (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.10
        Comment: Zoo Archive Utilities

zip (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.9 PL1/5.0 PL1
        Comment: Zip/Unzip Archiving Utils

Subdirectory x11:

blt (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 1.5
        Comment: Extension toolkit for TK

color_xterm (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: ??? 
        Comment: R6 color xterm for XFree86-3.1 on FreeBSD-2.0

ctwm (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.2 PL1
        Comment: CTWM is an extension to twm, that support multiple virtual
        screens, and a lot of other goodies.  

emu (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.3
        Comment: DEC VT200 terminal emulation 

ezd (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 15mar93
        Comment: easy drawing for X programs

fvwm (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.21zf
        Comment: fvwm window manager - requires XPM

ghostscript (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.61 PL4
        Comment: GNU Postscript Interpreter

ghostview (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.5
        Comment: Ghostscript Companion Previewer

ImageMagick (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.4
        Comment: ImageMagick is an X11 package for display and interactive
        manipulation of images. 

imm (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.3
        Comment: IMM - Internet Image Multicaster (and receiver)

iv (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.1
        Comment: InterViews from Stanford University and Silicon Graphics

ivs (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.3
        Comment: INRIA Videoconference Software.

jpeg (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 5
        Comment: JPEG Photo Compression Package

kterm (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 6.1.0
        Comment: an xterm that speaks Japanese

mpeg-lib (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.1
        Comment: a collection of C routines to decode MPEG movies
nv (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.3beta
        Comment: MBONE video tool

olvwm (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 4
        Comment: OpenLook Virtual Window manager 

pcb (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.2 PL2
        Comment: X11 interactive printed circuit board layout system.

pbmplus (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 911210
        Comment: Portable Bitmap Package

piewm (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: Modified tvtwm with pie menus

rxvt (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.09
        Comment: xterm replacement

tiff (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.21
        Comment: The TIFF image library

tk (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.6 PL1
        Comment: TCL Toolkit

tkhfs (FBSD 2.x)
        Comment: a Tcl/Tk front end to the hfs program. 

tvtwm (FBSD 2.x)
        Comment: a virtual desktop twm

ups (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 2.45
        Comment: UPS X-Based Debugger

urt (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 3.0
        Comment: Utah Raster Toolkit

workman (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: Workman - audio CD player tool with Open Look graphical

xanim (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2683
        Comment: XAnim  is a program that can display animations of various
        formats on systems running X11.  

xarchie (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.0.10
        Comment: X based version of net search tool

xaw3d (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.0

xcd (FBSD 2.x)
        Comment: a Tcl/Tk CD player

xcdplayer (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.2
        Comment: XCdplayer

xdvi (FBSD 2.x)
        Comment: a DVI Previewer for the X Window System. Patchlevel 18

xearth (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 0.92
        Comment: Xearth sets the X root window to an image of the Earth, as
        seen from your favorite vantage point in space, correctly shaded
        for the current position of the Sun. 

xemacs (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 19.11
        Comment: X-windows version of emacs

xfed (FBSD 2.x)
        Comment: a program that will let you edit X fonts (.bdf files)

xfig (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 2.1.8
        Comment: A drwing program. Version 2.1.8

xgdb (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 1.06
        Comment: GNU gdb debugger with X interface

xgraph (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 11
        Comment: a program that helps you plot graphs

xli (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.16
        Comment: xli, xsetbg, xview, xlito (ver 1.16) - utilities to
        display images on X11 

xlock (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: 2.3
        Comment: X Screen-Locker

xlockmore (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.14
        Comment: XLockmore (like XLock session locker/screen saver, but
        just more) v 1.14 

xphoon (FBSD 1.x)
        Version: ???
        Comment: Sets X the root window to a picture of the moon in its current

xpm (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.4c
        Comment: X Pixmap Library & Utilities

xsnow (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 1.31
        Comment: Xsnow displays lovely moving snowflakes on your desktop,
        with Santa Claus running all over the screen.

xtexshell (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 0.91
        Comment: This is the XTeXShell Vers 0.91

xv (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.01
        Comment: Picture Viewer Utility

xview (FBSD 2.x)
        Version: 3.2 PL1
        Comment: XView Library

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

You can find the following packages (binaries) at:

freebsd.cdrom.com:/pub/FreeBSD/packages or 


        Version: ???
        Comment: flexfax - fax software for FreeBSD

        Version: 5A edit 189
        Comment: KERMIT file transfer protocol utility

        Version: 3.32.1
        Comment: Zmodem file transfer utilities

        Version: 2.14b
        Comment: Seyon, hacked to work with FreeBSD 1.0.2 at high speeds
                 (requires XFree)

        Version: 1.0.7
        Comment: Term mutliple login system


        Version: 6.0
        Comment: aXe editor, built with the Tcl extensions

        Version: 19.22
        Comment: GNU Emacs text editor

        Version: ???
        Comment: ile - the Interactive Line Editor (for other programs)

        Version: 1.1.04
        Comment: Mule, text editor

        Version: ???
        Comment: vile - VI-Like emacs [for vi users who want to switch but
                 can't :-)]


        Version: 2
        Comment: golddig - a X11 arcade game

        Version: ???
        Comment: Seahaven - a X11 solitaire card game

        Version: 1.8a
        Comment: xboing - an X11 breakout game with audio

        Version: 1.6
        Comment: xjewel - a X window game similar to tetris

        Version: 1.3
        Comment: xpilot - Multi-player gravity war game

        Version: 6.1
        Comment: xtrek - X based space warfare extravaganza


        Version: 2.10
        Comment: Bywater BASIC Interpreter/Shell

        Version: 3.0.1
        Comment: UCB LOGO language

        Version: 4.0
        Comment: Perl patchlevel 36 scripting language

        Version: 0.93
        Comment: Standard ML of New Jersey - a compiler for the ML language

        Version: 3.0
        Comment: TCL-DP, the TCP/IP extension package for TCL, and dpwish for Tk

        Version: 7.3
        Comment: TCL (Tool Command Language)

        Version: ???
        Comment: xlispstat - a lisp based statistical plotting package (2D/3D)


        Version: ???
        Comment: BLAS level 1, 2, and 3 (Basic Linear Algebra)

        Version: ???
        Comment: Eispack, Eigenvalue system package

        Version: ???
        Comment: Linpack, Linear Algebra package.


        Version: 6.8
        Comment: MH mail software

        Version: 7.2.5
        Comment: MUSH mail user shell


        Version: 1.0.a6
        Comment: DGD (MUD server), with LPmud 2.4.5++ example simulation lib

        Version: ???
        Comment: gopher - a utility for browsing INTERNET facilities

        Version: 1.2
        Comment: NCSA httpd daemon plus auxiliar files.

        Version: ???
        Comment: NCSA hdf lib and xds

        Version: ???
        Comment: CMU's Software Update Protocol package

        Version: 1.1
        Comment: Athena X interface to ftp - xftp (required libXaw3d.so.2.0)

        Version: 6.17
        Comment: Athena X interface to rn - xrn (required libXaw3d.so.2.0)

        Version: 3.2
        Comment: ytalk - version 3.0pl2 of ytalk - requires XFree86

        Version: 1.15
        Comment: Zircon, the Tk/DP based IRC client


        Version: ???
        Comment: GNU Borne Again Shell

        Version: 4.5
        Comment: KSH korn shell

        Version: 6.04
        Comment: TCSH shell

        version: 2.3.1
        Comment: ZSH shell


        Version: ???
        Comment: Network Audio System - play, record, and manipulate audio data
                 over a network

        Version: ???
        Comment: Workman - audio CD player tool with Open Look graphical

        Version: 2.2
        Comment: XCdplayer


        Version: 1.0
        Comment: ARCHIVERS a collection of various archiving utilities V1.0
                 (zip, lharc, zoo etc.)

        Version: 4.11
        Comment: GNU debugger,  it is still in experimental status.

        Version: 3.69
        Comment: GNU make

        Version: ???
        Comment: iozone - disk I/O performance benchmark

        Version 3.1
        Comment: Interactive spelling checker

        Version: 4.0a
        Comment: JPEG image compression and decompression utilities

        Version: 170
        Comment: less - a pager similar to more and pg

        Version: ???
        Comment: md5 - cryptographic checksums

        Version: 3.0
        Comment: Memory Profiler and Leak Detector

        version: 2.0
        Comment: Mtools - unix programs for manipulation of MSDOS filesystems

        version: ???
        Comment: Portable bitmap image conversion package

        version: 6.21
        Comment: sc Spread Sheet calculator

        Version: 3.3
        Comment: Screen -- a pseudo session multiplexer

        Version: ???
        Comment: syscons_xtra -- extra utils for syscons console driver

        Version: 1.1
        Comment: Tcx transparents decompression and execution utility

        Version: 3.14t3
        Comment: This is TeX

        Version: 3
        Comment: texinfo - a document formatter package

        Version: 3.1415 (C Version 6.1)
        Comment: TeX document formatting system

        Version 3.21
        Comment: This is the TIFF image library

        Version: 3.2
        Comment: Top 3.2 - A system monitoring utility

        Version: 2.3pl3
        Comment: A utility used to unpack shar archives from usenet postings


        Version: Release 0.6B
        Comment: Three-D Athena Widgets (Xaw3d)

        Version: 1.5
        Comment: Tk toolkit extension package (big - see docs)

        Version: 1.21zf
        Comment: fvwm window manager - requires XPM

        Version: ???
        Comment: GNU Postscript interpreter with fonts

        Version: 3.5
        Comment: command-line driven interactive function plotting utility

        Version: 3.1
        Comment: InterViews from Stanford University and Silicon Graphics

        Version: 2.0 (Jan 27, 1993)
        Comment: MPEG Video Software Decoder

        Version: ???
        Comment: point - the Tk based screen editor

        Version: ???
        Comment: Rasmol, the fast molecular renderer for X11/Unix stations

        Version: 1.9
        Comment: rxvt, based on xvt version 1.0

        Version: 3.6
        Comment: Tk X11 toolkit for TCL

        Version: ???
        Comment: XLock screen saver and server locker

        Version: ???
        Comment: xpaint - interactive image editor

        Version: ???
        Comment: Sets X the root window to a picture of the moon in its current

        Version: 3.2g
        Comment: xpm, the X Pixmap library

        Version: 3.2
        Comment: Xview executables libs, includes, and man pages

        Version: 1.06
        Comment: XXGDB, an X window interface to the GDB debugger


        II. Easy compiling software & packages for FreeBSD & NetBSD

        Comment: Communication package similar to DOS telix (seems to be
                 a mirror or sunsite.unc.edu)
        Submitted by: uwp@cs.tu-berlin.de (Udo Wolter)
        Tested on: FreeBSD 1.0.2

        Comment: Lucid Emacs 19.9 (NetBSD 0.9/XFree86)
        Submitted by: james r grinter (james@blodwen.demon.co.uk)
        Tested on: NetBSD 0.9

        Comment: Andrew User Interface System, includes MIME mailer, word
                 processor, spread-sheet etc.
        Submitted by: <cagney@highland.oz.au> (Andrew Cagney) &
                      <njw@cs.city.ac.uk> (Nick Williams)
        Tested on: NetBSD-0.9 (cagney)
                   NetBSD-current-16-apr (cagney)
                   FreeBSD-1.1 (njw)

        Comment: Andrew-6.3 binaries for FreeBSD-1.1.5
        Submitted by: <serg@klara.weizmann.ac.il> (Serge Maleyev)
        Tested on: FreeBSD-1.1.5-RELEASE

        Comment: A very powerful mail user agent, w/natural language interface
        Submitted by: shawn@fenchurch.MIT.EDU (Shawn F. Mckay)
        Tested on: FreeBSD ?.?

        Comment: POP mail server
        Submitted by: banshee@resort.com (John Vinopal)
        Tested on: ???

        Comment: Replacement for SENDMAIL - _much_ easier to use and configure
        Submitted by: mark@grondar.za (Mark Murray) or 
                      murray@its.uct.ac.za (Mark Murray)
        Tested on: FreeBSD-1.1, FreeBSD-

        Comment: Newsreader nn
        Submitted by: g89r4222@alpha.ru.ac.za (Geoff Rehmet)
        Tested on: FreeBSD ?.?

        Comment: Modula-2 compiler
        Submitted by: hopp@ira.uka.de (Holger) &
                      wosch@cs.tu-berlin.de (Wolfram Schneider)
        Tested on: FreeBSD 1.1 (current), static linked

        Comment: Menu software 
        Submitted by: ted@oz.plymouth.edu (The Wizard of Oz)
        Tested on: ???

        Comment: Virtual window manager
        Submitted by: olah@cs.utwente.nl (Andras Olah)
        Tested on: FreeBSD ?.?

        Comment: ???
        Submitted by: olah@cs.utwente.nl (Andras Olah)
        Tested on: ???

        Comment: Tetris game for X11
        Submitted by: olah@cs.utwente.nl (Andras Olah)
        Tested on: FreeBSD ?.?

        Comment: Utility to generate pictures for LaTeX
        Submitted by: Andras Olah <olah@cs.utwente.nl>
        Tested on: FreeBSD ?.?

        Comment: Graphical interface to xmodmap
        Submitted by: olah@cs.utwente.nl (Andras Olah)
        Tested on: FreeBSD ?.?

        Comment: XPixmap library & utils
        Submitted by: olah@cs.utwente.nl (Andras Olah)
        Tested on: FreeBSD ?.?


        III. Commercial software for FreeBSD & NetBSD

Product:        ctree, dtree, rtree
Company:        FairCom Corp.
Comment:        ISAM routines(ctree), Screen handling(dtree), 
                Report generator (rtree)    
Tel/Fax:        (314) 445-6833 / (314) 445-9698 / (800) 234-8180
Email:          FairCom@cerf.net
Submitted by:   joeg@wwa.com (Josef Grosch)

Product:        Motif 1.2.3 Runtime & Development
Company:        GUI, Inc.
For U.S. and Canada:

Product:	Motif Runtime & Development
Company:	ACC Corporation
Comment:	Full runtime/development
Tel/Fax:	(800) 546-7274 / (203) 454-2582 
Email:		info@acc-corp.com 

For countries outside U.S. and Canada:

Product:	Motif Runtime & Development
Company:	Lasermoon Ltd. 
Comment:	Full runtime/development
Tel/Fax:	+44.329.826.444 / +44.329.825.936	
Email:		info@lasermoon.co.uk

Submitted by:   hanh@seq.com (Hanh Vu)

For Australia/New Zealand:
Product	: 	- Motif Runtime & Development (SWiM 2.0 currently)
		- Accelerated-X
Company	:	Supercom Computers
Comment	:	Full runtime/development
Tel/Fax	:	(61 3) 850 6053 / (61 3) 852 2021
Email	:	supercom@melbourne.DIALix.oz.au

Submitted by:   M.C Wong <mcw@hpato.aus.hp.com>

Product:        Accelerated-X
Company:        X Inside
Comment:        High performance X Server with easy configuration
Tel:            (800) XINSIDE / (303) 384-9999 / (303) 384-9778
ftp:            ftp.xinside.com:/accelx/1.1/prodinfo.txt
WWW:            http://www.xinside.com/
Email:          info@xinside.com
Submitted by:   jdc@xinside.com

  __/\__  |  Josef Grosch    |  "It's been a quiet week in Lake
  \    /  |  (708) 291-9076  |  Wobegon, my home town..."
  /_  _\  |                  | 
    \/    |  joeg@wwa.com    |  -Prairie Home Companion