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Path: sserve!!!msunews!caen!!gatech!!!Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE!fbi-news!grossjoh From: (Kai Grossjohann) Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd Subject: [Q] Using DB Date: 23 Jan 1995 20:36:33 GMT Organization: CS Department, University of Dortmund, Germany Lines: 18 Message-ID: <> Reply-To: Kai Grossjohann <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Hi there, using the DB 1.85 package (from 4.4 Lite, I think) on SunOS 4.1.3_U1B, I've got the following question: I would like to use DB for hash tables but don't quite grok the documentation: (1) Is it possible to store several items with the same key? (2) How do I get at them all? Please respond by Email, too. tia, \kai{} -- Life is hard and then you die.