*BSD News Article 41681

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From: peterb@telerama.lm.com (Peter Berger)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.bugs
Subject: Re: more on the "mysterious reboot" problem
Date: 25 Jan 1995 12:30:57 -0500
Organization: Telerama Public Access Internet, Pittsburgh, PA USA
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <3g61sh$imt@ivory.lm.com>
References: <3g520d$amg@satisfied.elf.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ivory.lm.com


Swapping out my motherboard solved the problem; so it was hardware related.
However, I had looked at routed as a possible culprit, and disabled it.
Before I disabled it, I could stay up for about 20 minutes.  Afterwards,
I could stay up for about 63 minutes.  There were no suspicious cron jobs.

Since I've swapped hardware I've had no crashes or reboots; but I'm running
2.0-R, not the SNAP release.

I also noticed the "mving files between MSDOS filesystems and FFS filesystems
causes spontaneous reboot" problem as well; I haven't noticed this since I
replaced the hardware, but I haven't pushed too hard either.  Maybe I'll
do some testing tonight.

On a related note, I compiled a kernel -without- the options MSDOSFS option,
but can still mount my msdos filesystem.  I do get an ugly looking message
when booting, though.  Need I worry, or is that just lint?

  Peter G. Berger, Esq.  Telerama Public Access Internet, Pittsburgh
Internet: peterb@telerama.lm.com Phone: 412/481-3505 Fax: 412/481-8568