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Xref: sserve comp.infosystems.www.browsers.misc:140 comp.unix.questions:64164 comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:1024 comp.unix.bsd:16576 comp.lang.c:100065 Path: sserve!!!simtel!!!gatech!!!!news.sinica!taob From: (Brian Tao) Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www.browsers.misc,comp.unix.questions,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc,comp.unix.bsd,comp.lang.c Subject: Simple socket/telnet library? Date: 11 May 1995 10:54:56 GMT Organization: Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica Lines: 41 Message-ID: <3osqe0$> NNTP-Posting-Host: @ I would like to write an extremely simple and brain-dead Web browser for as part of an HTTP server benchmark. Is there a library of C routines someone has already put together that allows one to open a connection to a host at a specific port and then send/receive text? My knowledge of UNIX socket and TCP/IP programming is exactly zero. :( For example: char *gethtml(char *hostname, int port, char *request, int bytes) { int *open_socket; char *html; html = (char *)(malloc(bytes)); if(!(open_socket=tcpopen(hostname, port))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect to host!\n"); exit(1); } tcpwrite(open_socket, request); tcpread(open_socket, html, bytes); tcpclose(open_socket); return(html); } Right now I'm forking off a "lynx -source -dump" process for each request, which gets expensive when you have ten or more of these things going on one machine. If there is a ready-made library with functions akin to tcpopen(), tcpwrite(), tcpread() and tcpclose() that works with a 4.4BSD system (FreeBSD 2.0, in my case), that would be fantastic. Source code fragments, tutorial files, primers, etc. also gratefully accepted. Thanks. BTW, is it possible to create a special file that is connected to a host at a particular port, and be able to do something like "echo 'expn somealias' > special-file" and then "cat special-file" to read from the socket? -- Brian ("Though this be madness, yet there is method in't") Tao <-- work ........ play -->