*BSD News Article 44234

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From: Rafal Boni <r-boni@uiuc.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: Linux vs. BSD (NOT a religious question!)
Date: 18 May 1995 18:32:56 GMT
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana
Lines: 57
Message-ID: <3pg3so$inh@vixen.cso.uiuc.edu>
References: <coveD8qwsL.Mvq@netcom.com> <MICHAELV.95May17222030@MindBender.HeadCandy.com> <3pg08i$qdg@helena.MT.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: uxa.cso.uiuc.edu
Originator: rkb55989@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu

nate@trout.sri.MT.net (Nate Williams) writes:

|In article <MICHAELV.95May17222030@MindBender.HeadCandy.com>,
|Michael L. VanLoon <michaelv@MindBender.HeadCandy.com> wrote:
|>In article <coveD8qwsL.Mvq@netcom.com> cove@netcom.com (Cove) writes:
|>   I have no intent of starting another long running thread on this. I
|>   just have a few quick questions:
|>   I am running linux now, but I'm considering switching over to BSD.
|>   Reason being is that I'd like to learn a more widely used OS, no just
|>   a PC based one. Could BSD give me this kind of experience over Linux?
|>In *MY* experience, yes, NetBSD could DEFINITELY do this for you.
|>FreeBSD also, but to a lesser extent (no offense -- I'm not saying
|>FreeBSD is a lesser OS).

|No offense intended, but why do you consider NetBSD a more widely used
|OS vs. FreeBSD?  Obviously there are no numbers to compare, but I would
|suspect there are more total users using FreeBSD than NetBSD, and both
|of them are surpassed by Linux.  However, the *BSD's have the advantage
|of being enough like a lot of other commercial OS's that 'BSD' is more
|widely used.

	I think that the reply assumed that widely used == used on more
	hardware.  (Ala the "not just a PC one" comment).  I don't think
	anyone is going to argue about the relative number of users, as
	it means nothing other than (a) that one OS or another has more
	users, and perhaps (b) that said OS(es) with more users have more
	and/or better PR and "marketing" strategies.

|I'm in total agreement that NetBSD runs on more platforms than FreeBSD,
|but *most* of those platforms (not all by any means) are for older
|legacy hardware that is not used much anymore, hence one of the reasons
|NetBSD is the perfect OS for them.  Putting NetBSD on this older
|hardware breaths new life into it.

	Well, you're right in that many of the NetBSD ports (VAX, Sun3, ...)
	are pretty much "legacy architectures", but it doesn't mean that they
	are not worth considering.  Besides, cgd's latest work on the Alpha 
	has made NetBSD almost completely 64-bit safe (I haven't done any work
	there, so I'll grant that "almost completely" is my interpretation of
	the changes I've seen happening through the commit logs and such as
	opposed to "been there, done that, know it like the back of my hand"


	ObBSDFlameRetardant: Not offense intended to any party mentioned above,
	all views are my own and not xxxBSD's, I am a grumpy person before my
	4th coffee, I wore the same sweatshirt to work yesterday....

+--------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------+
| In search of the stress-strain relationship governing  |/|       Rafal Boni |
| students of mechanics... Experimentally.               |\|  r-boni@uiuc.edu |
+--------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------+