*BSD News Article 44458

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From: taob@gate.sinica.edu.tw (Brian Tao)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Zombie processes eating up CPU time (was Re: Internet Service Provider)
Date: 25 May 1995 17:58:16 GMT
Organization: Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica
Lines: 52
Message-ID: <3q2gfo$l10@gate.sinica.edu.tw>
References: <3pqb92$lq2@pt9201.ped.pto.ford.com> <D91uu8.7J3@twwells.com> <3pub0e$ppd@gate.sinica.edu.tw> <D941A5.659@twwells.com>
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In article <D941A5.659@twwells.com>, T. William Wells <bill@twwells.com> wrote:
>When an OS change results in a dozen applications all breaking
>the same way, it's an OS problem.

    Ah, in that case I would come to the same conclusion.  We haven't
seen the same problem upgrading to 2.0.

>: frenzy looking for input data.  The incessant looping drives the
>: program to hog almost all the CPU, to the detriment of other
>: interactive programs.
>Like, duh. I know all this.

    My, aren't we just so *bright* today?  Do you think I post for
your benefit only?  I would have e-mailed it to you instead.

>:     Our solution:  give every user a CPU quota.
>*You* give every user a CPU quota. *I* am not in the business of
>putting limits on my customers just because I am using defective

    Yes, isn't that what I said.  I do not see anny hidden meaning or
implication that would suggest that I told you to follow the same
path.  You asked for suggestions on what to do, I gave you one.

>:                                                  See the man page on
>: csh/tcsh for the built-in "limit" command, and the man pages for
>: getrlimit(2) and setrlimit(2).
>Do you know how fatuous you sound to a guy who has been
>programming and administering Unix systems for twelve years?

    Do you know how idiotic you sound saying that?  I am supposed to
discern your UNIX programming and adminstration prowess with the first
posting that I read from you, given no other information other than
the fact that you are having a problem with runaway processes.  Well
then, why don't you just submit a kernel patch to BSDI using all that
immense knowledge you must have accumulated in those 12 years?  Or do
you consider that task "below" you now and not enough of an
intellectual challenge?  How's the air up there on your high horse?

>Please don't waste my time with the obvious. This is a problem
>that needs to be *fixed*, by fixing the OS, not by piecemeal
>hacks on applications, or bandaids added to the various shells.

    Man, someone must have shit in your cornflakes and pissed in your
coffee this morning.
Brian ("Though this be madness, yet there is method in't") Tao
taob@gate.sinica.edu.tw <-- work ........ play --> taob@io.org