*BSD News Article 44532

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From: gary@wheel.tiac.net (Gary D. Duzan)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.amiga,comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: Demand dialed PPP (was Re: FOLLOWUP: PPP client setup help)
Date: 24 May 1995 01:25:46 GMT
Organization: Brain Dead Innovations
Lines: 23
Message-ID: <3pu1uq$da@sundog.tiac.net>
References: <betts.28.00A4DF49@onramp.net> <3pni1k$bfd@su102w.ess.harris.com> <3pnija$bll@su102w.ess.harris.com> <3pto79$kmf@su102w.ess.harris.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: wheel.tiac.net

In article <3pto79$kmf@su102w.ess.harris.com>,
M. Scott Wills <mwills@harris.com> wrote:
=>mwills@harris.com (M. Scott Wills) writes:
=>My appologies for cross posting the citation about iijppp, a demand dialed ppp
=>for freebsd.  I tried to compile it myself on netbsd last night with the
=>following result:
=>iijppp requires the "tunnel" device ("/dev/tun??" ?) from freebsd because it
=>runs in user mode.  The source compiles cleanly with this exception.
=>How easy is it to add the tunnel device to netbsd?  Can this be done with a
=>loadable kernel module in netbsd1.0?

   No, but it can be configured into the kernel. Just put
"pseudo-device tun n" (where n is the number of tunnels to configure),
config HOSTNAME, make a new kernel, and do a "./MAKEDEV tun0" in /dev.
Haven't used it myself, but as far as I know it should work.

                                      Gary D. Duzan
                         Humble Practitioner of the Computer Arts