*BSD News Article 44546

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From: kelly@junco.fsl.noaa.gov (Sean Kelly)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: tty00 - problem when removed
Date: 24 May 1995 17:20:31 GMT
Organization: Forecast Systems Laboratory
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <3pvpsv$hs4@CUBoulder.Colorado.EDU>
References: <3purnb$9po@goofy.unisa.ac.za>
NNTP-Posting-Host: junco.fsl.noaa.gov

In article <3purnb$9po@goofy.unisa.ac.za>,
A. Radovanovic <radova@risc6.unisa.ac.za> wrote:
>I am using two modems on ttyd0/cua00 and ttyd1/cua01 (COM1 and COM2).
>When I type "w" I am getting the response "w:/dev//tty00: No such file
>or directory". When MAKEDEV ttyd0 is done, the tty00 is removed, but somehow
>"w" looks for it. How can I remove all traces of nonexisting tty00?

I think I encountered this one but I don't remember exactly how I
fixed it.  I think I went to single user mode, truncated either the
wtmp or utmp files, and started 'er back up.

Good luck.

Sean Kelly
NOAA Forecast Systems Lab, Boulder Colorado USA

One thing that makes me believe in UFOs is, sometimes I lose stuff.
-- Jack Handey