*BSD News Article 44906

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From: ronnie@cisco.com (Ronnie B. Kon)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: FreeBSD 2.0.5 Install
Date: 02 Jun 1995 20:19:21 GMT
Organization: cisco Systems, Menlo Park, California, USA
Lines: 41
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <RONNIE.95Jun2131921@madhatter.cisco.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ronnie-ss10.cisco.com

I think there's a bug in the (updated) boot floppy, for an "other" FTP
site.  I get complaints about badly formed URL, and the display of the
URL name is clearly from a bad pointer.

Loading from the primary FTP site, I always get a warning that the /
partition failed to fully install.

If the FTP session times out while waiting for you to tell it to
continue, it is not smart enough to reopen a connection.  Most people
will walk away and come back after doing some other stuff.  At 56Kb,
this install takes a long time.

I still can't mount my / partition--I get a panic when booting off of
my hard disk.  Is there any way to boot a standalone kernel from a
floppy so I can take a look at what's going on on my hard disk?

My system:

	386DX 40MHz (ISA bus)
	IDE controller w/ 2 floppies
	E-IDE controller w/ 2 HDs
		disk 0: Connor 540Mb, all for DOS
		disk 1: Connor 120Mb, all for BSD
	3COM Ethernet (3C509?)
	Genoa VGA
	Soundblaster-compatible audio card

I am booting with -c and setting the port and irq for the ethernet, so
it is found.  I did notice that I set ie0 for it, and when I boot from
HD, ep0 is found (and correctly identified as a 3C509 (or whatever the
number is) so it doesn't probe for ie0).

Ronnie B. Kon       | "You couldn't deny that, even if you used both hands"
ronnie@cisco.com    |
(408) 526-4592      |                   -- The Red Queen                