*BSD News Article 46294

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From: jtkohl@mit.edu
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.announce
Subject: Updated AFS 3.3 ports for NetBSD-current (m68k4k, m68k8k, sparc, i386)
Followup-To: poster
Date: 28 Jun 1995 22:02:12 -0700
Organization: University of California, Berkeley
Lines: 32
Sender: cgd@agate.berkeley.edu
Approved: netbsd-announce-request@agate.berkeley.edu
Message-ID: <3stc4k$8kg@agate.berkeley.edu>
Reply-To: jtkohl@mit.edu
NNTP-Posting-Host: agate.berkeley.edu
X-Us-Snail: Atria Software Inc., 24 Prime Park Way, Natick, MA  01760

I've updated all the NetBSD AFS packages to reflect recent NetBSD kernel
source changes.

If you're running NetBSD 1.0, you don't really need these changes unless
you're on a sparc system--that platform now has updated bug fixes that
were previously done only for the other platforms.

This is version 1.21.  The NetBSD-current kernel modules in these
distributions are for -current as of 1995/06/15.  >> This -current
binary release will not work for older NetBSD-current systems. <<

The binary packages are in:
As usual, contact your site's AFS administrator to get access to these
files (access is restricted to sites licensed for the AFS client code).

MD5 hashes are:

0126b3e27510cc4013c2ad20f6369256  COPYRIGHT
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  MD5SUMS
d4218d8fa0580380b1d34f9c70b5e93a  afs33-i386.1.21.tgz
2aca5efb7e2eecbe2b85b5bc754601cf  afs33-i386.README
1a3a0e9a236dae43148d4663ad340f5a  afs33-m68k4k.1.21.tgz
1892177a36c228a3c731c72d202b3ce9  afs33-m68k4k.README
ee05e84ac80bfcc36cb71d66f5c7b9cc  afs33-m68k8k.1.21.tgz
e483a04dc87614b28a5edf6c9b841f5f  afs33-m68k8k.README
f8341a8d41c644507e38f01d5935ca3c  afs33-sparc.1.21.tgz
09b6601167f03c2cc6334e4664bc37d9  afs33-sparc.README

