*BSD News Article 47690

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From: sbraab@mail.wm.edu (stefan)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: CAP (Appletalk) for FreeBSD available?
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 23:55:24 -0400
Organization: Monumental Network Systems
Lines: 26
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <sbraab-3107952355240001@>
References: <9507311242242124@rio.muc.de>

Well I has been ported, but there are a fffew glitches with the port I am
in the middle of installing it as I wrtie this (rebuilding the kernel take
a while on a 386 :) ) 

So far the problems I have fond when using FreeBSD 2.0.5 and CAP 6.0 PL 195 are

1. The main Makefile has a tab at line 21. this Causes make to abort with
an unrecoverable error. Just Delete the tab at line 21.

2. Same as number 1, but in another file (I am not sure which on but I
think it was one of the Libs.)

3. there is a problem with the libraries linking. Solution edit each
makefile in each dir chaging the following
CAPLIB= -lcap

change to

CAPLIB= /usr/local/lib/libcap.a 
(or where ever the libs are. this must be done for the other libraries
(afp & afpc) as well. 

I know there is a better way of solving all the problems, but as I said I
am still in the process of installing. I will let you all know if it works
and if any other changes need to be made! 