*BSD News Article 47945

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From: j@bonnie.heep.sax.de (J Wunsch)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: useing floppies under 2.0.5-950622-SNAP
Date: 26 Jul 1995 15:04:47 +0200
Organization: Private U**x site, Dresden.
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <3v5ehf$llp@bonnie.tcd-dresden.de>
References: <3v0f77$dok@bronze.coil.com>
Reply-To: joerg_wunsch@uriah.heep.sax.de
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Eric Chet <echet@coil.com> wrote:

>/dev/fd0c on /mnt: Incorrect super block.
(Already answered by Jordan)

>Lets try a msdos disk:
>mount -t msdos /dev/fd0c /mnt
>msdos: mount: Input/output error
>dmesg shows:
>fd0c: hard error reading fsbn 0 (ST0 40<abnrml> ST1 1<no_am> ST2 0 cyl 0 
>hd 0 sec 1)

Bad disk.  Probably wrong format?  It couldn't find the address mark
of the ID field of the very first sector.  If it's a 720 KB floppy,
used /dev/fd0.720.  Btw., ``/dev/fd0c'' is the wrong approach for
floppies, there's nothing like the partition scheme as on a hard disk.
Use ``/dev/fd0'' as a synonym for the `standard' capacity (1440 KB for
3.5in, 1200 KB for 5.25in), or use ``/dev/fd0.<capacity>''.
cheers, J"org                      private:   joerg_wunsch@uriah.heep.sax.de

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