*BSD News Article 48226

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From: heiner@zop.dkrz.de (Heiner Strauss)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Can't install from SCSI-streamer
Date: 7 Aug 1995 14:26:14 GMT
Organization: Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH, Hamburg
Lines: 11
Sender: heiner@zop (Heiner Strauss)
Distribution: dkrz
Message-ID: <4057q6$j4u@alster.dkrz.de>
NNTP-Posting-Host: zop.dkrz.de
Keywords: Installation SCSI QIC

Good morning,
I can't install FBSD 2.0.5 from the SCSI-tape.
After booting I get the message st0: not ready.
The time for the device to settle is to short,
the Wangtek 5150ESX needs at least 30 secs to settle
when a tape is loaded. So the sysinstall can't find
the tape. Can someone make a boot disk whith at least
30 secs settle time ? Ohter solutions are welcome also.
