*BSD News Article 48263

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From: cooker@ci.ua.pt (Fernando Cozinheiro)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Problems to install FreeBSD using floppies/FTP
Date: 10 Aug 1995 14:06:51 GMT
Organization: Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Lines: 38
Message-ID: <40d3pr$114@titan.ci.ua.pt>
NNTP-Posting-Host: zeus.ci.ua.pt
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

Dear friends:

I'm making my first attempts to install FreeBSD  (2.1.0-950726-RELEASE).
In order to do this, I've read the INSTALL  manual, and I have  prepared
the BOOT and ROOT  floppies  in order to boot my  system  with  FreeBSD.
I've  already  partioned  the disk (30 MB=/, 300  MB=/usr, 50  MB=swap),
reserving some space to DOS.

I'm trying to make the installation  using FTP protocol, taking a mirror
site as reference server.  ...  but I've some problems, and I've already
spent too much  time.  I think that my PC has  problems  to  communicate
using the LAN card (INTERCOM 16CT, NE2000  compatible, 16 bits), because
it gives  timeout.  I've already used  hostname and IP addresses for the
servers.  During this  period I make some PINGs from other  systems  and
the PC doesn't  respond.  I can't  understand why this happens,  because
the Ethernet card (ed1) is detected on the boot phase.

I've setup network parameters  (hostname,  domain, gateway,  nameserver,
etc.).  I've used netmask because my computer is installed
on a C class  network,  and I've used link1 on the Extra Flags, in order
to indicate to the system that I'm using a BNC  interface  to connect to
our local  network.  Are these  two  fields  (netmask  and extra  flags)

I've already tried to install 2.0.5-RELEASE, but the problems remain.

Does  anyone  had  this  problem?  Could  someone  help me to solve  the

Thanks in advance.

Diva Duarte Neves
Centro de Informatica * Universidade de Aveiro

Phone: +351.34.370345     Fax: +351.34.370214     E-Mail: diva@ci.ua.pt