*BSD News Article 48609

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From: j@bonnie.heep.sax.de (J Wunsch)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Need help with installation!!
Date: 14 Aug 1995 10:56:05 +0200
Organization: Private U**x site, Dresden.
Lines: 27
Message-ID: <40n335$j6d@bonnie.tcd-dresden.de>
References: <DD97yE.CnB@cunews.carleton.ca>
Reply-To: joerg_wunsch@uriah.heep.sax.de
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Jimmy Hak Bun Ning <jhbning@mrco.carleton.ca> wrote:

>Hi everyone!  I would appreciate some help with installing Free BSD.  I
>got a Walnut Creek CDROM.  It is FreeBSD 2.0 January 1995.

>fd0c hard reading error fsbn 16 of 16-31 .... cyl 0 hd 9 sec 16

You forgot the most important part, the remainder of that error
message.  I bet it's something saying ``blah blah <no_am>'', yup?

The floppy driver in 2.0 had a bug that prevented it from working on
NEC 72065B (and clone) FDCs.  This has long been fixed.

Sorry to say, but the best you could do is using release 2.0.5...  If
you don't want, get another floppy controller temporarily (so you can
install), install the kernel sources, too, and ask me to send you the
fix for just that bug.  I wouldn't really recommend it however.

>I would also like to know how I can restore my boot manager in case
>I can't install freebsd.

fdisk /mbr  (from DOS 5 or 6)
cheers, J"org                      private:   joerg_wunsch@uriah.heep.sax.de

Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)