*BSD News Article 48703

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From: brian@weirich530.geography.uiowa.edu (Brian)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: RLL controller and NetBSD
Date: 15 Aug 1995 18:59:21 GMT
Organization: University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA
Lines: 23
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <40qqq9$199@nexus.uiowa.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: weirich530.geography.uiowa.edu
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Hi all.
I was piecing together another 386 from spare parts and ran across
a problem. I was going to install Linux on it, but Linux doesn't
seem to want to recognize an rll controller.
So what does this have to do with NetBSD you ask?
Well, I still had a couple of NetBSD 0.9 bootables and tried
them out. It was a go. Installed 0.9 without a hitch
(well, during startup, the kernel complains that it doesn't
know the info for wd0a (which is a ST227R) but it starts
fine from the Hard disk.
Does the current NetBSD still have support for RLL controllers,
and is PPP supported (yeah, I know, I can fidn the second in the
Brian Aker			|		brian@geography.uiowa.edu	
Iowa City, IA.			|		brian@clockwork.tangent.org
You can't grep a dead tree.   /   \                              	