*BSD News Article 48777

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From: diva@ci.ua.pt (Diva Duarte Neves)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Problems using KCON
Date: 19 Aug 1995 21:24:09 GMT
Organization: Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Lines: 35
Message-ID: <415kpp$f3@titan.ci.ua.pt>
NNTP-Posting-Host: zeus.ci.ua.pt
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

Dear friends:

Finally, I've  succeeded on the  installation  of FreeBSD  (2.0.5-R) few
days  ago, with the help of some of you.  Now,  I've  several  elementar

  1. There is any administration tool for FreeBSD?

  2. I've  tried to use KCON  command  to chenge  the type of  keyboard.
     Because  my  keyboard  has  a  portuguese  layout,  I've  used  the
     following syntax for KCON:

	kcon -m pt

     ... but the system returned the following error message:

	"kcon: ioctl KBDSCKEY failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device"

  3. When I finnished  the  installation  of  FreeBSD,  I've gone to the
     Configure  option of the program  that is used to load the  system,
     and I've  defined the type of screen  saver and the idle time after
     which the system starts the execution of the screen saver program.

     - How could I change the type of screen saver?

     - How could I redefine the idle time value?

Thanks in advance by any help.

Diva Duarte Neves
Centro de Informatica * Universidade de Aveiro

Phone: +351.34.370345     Fax: +351.34.370214     E-Mail: diva@ci.ua.pt