*BSD News Article 48837

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From: gilham@lily.csl.sri.com (Fred Gilham)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Console configuration
Date: 14 Aug 1995 21:40:27 GMT
Organization: Computer Science Lab, SRI International
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <GILHAM.95Aug14144028@lily.csl.sri.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: lily.csl.sri.com


I'm using FreeBSD 2.0.5 and I'd like to reconfigure my console so the
arrow key in the upper right corner gives a delete and so that the
keys next to the space bar generate meta characters.

I tried to use the pcvt driver.  That seems to give the `alt'
behavior---unless I run emacs, which is the whole point of the
exercise---but the pcvt driver seems kind of flaky, especially with
tcsh.  For example, I managed to get it into a mode where it would
only print on a single line every time I ran `less'.  I don't know how
I did this...

Anyway I went back to the standard console.  But I'd like to get
consistent behavior even when I'm not running X.  Has anyone else
tried to do this?

I can't find much documentation on the console drivers.  I know
there's a kcon program for the pcvt driver but as I said, that driver
was not real stable for me.  The keymaps that are in /usr/share are
unintelligible to me.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Fred Gilham                                             gilham@csl.sri.com
King Christ, this world is all aleak, / And life preservers there are none,
And waves that only He may walk / Who dared to call Himself a man.
-- e. e. cummings, from Jehovah Buried, Satan Dead