*BSD News Article 49042

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From: gendalia@menelos.cs.iastate.edu (Tracy J. Di Marco)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: virt. consoles
Date: 23 Aug 1995 02:05:49 GMT
Organization: Chaos
Lines: 17
Message-ID: <41e2dt$v0@news.iastate.edu>
References: <dkleinh.808589584@isotope.ps.uci.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: solstice.cc.iastate.edu
Keywords: consoles

Dirk Kleinhesselink <dkleinh@isotope.ps.uci.edu> wrote:
}    HI, I recently installed NetBSD 1.0 on my i486 machine and I have some
}questions I would appreciate if someone would/could answer for me:

}Does NetBSD have virtual consoles, like Linux (I have used Linux for a year
}now and want to try out BSD) ? If so, how do I set them up and access them ?
}Do I have to configure a kernel for them (I did manage to make a new kernel).

Yes.  The program is called pcvt, and you do need to change the kernel
config file to use it.  I'm using -current, so my information may be
incorrect, but I believe all you need to do there is replace pc with vt
for the console driver.  You'll also need to configure the console setup.
Tracy Di Marco                           gendalia@solstice.cc.iastate.edu
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