*BSD News Article 4914

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Xref: sserve comp.unix.sysv386:23639 comp.windows.x:45119 comp.os.linux:9886 comp.unix.bsd:4962 comp.os.mach:2123 comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc:21484 comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware:31021
Newsgroups: comp.unix.sysv386,comp.windows.x,comp.os.linux,comp.unix.bsd,comp.os.mach,comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc,comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware
Path: sserve!manuel!munnari.oz.au!spool.mu.edu!uunet!zeos!kgermann
From: kgermann@zeos.com (Ken Germann)
Subject: Re: Free software and the future of support for Diamond products
Organization: Zeos International, Ltd
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1992 03:55:49 GMT
Message-ID: <1992Sep12.035549.4743@zeos.com>
Keywords: Diamond, free-software
References: <1992Sep09.203305.18082@digibd.com> <1992Sep10.130359.24767@cbnewsj.cb.att.com> <1992Sep11.124831.10108@crd.ge.com>
Lines: 40

In article <1992Sep11.124831.10108@crd.ge.com> davidsen@crd.ge.com (bill davidsen) writes:
>In article <1992Sep10.130359.24767@cbnewsj.cb.att.com>, dwex@cbnewsj.cb.att.com (david.e.wexelblat) writes:
>| Well, one of the responses to our Diamond mail survey was from Rick Kemp
>| at SCO.  I quote:
>| 	We have no plans on supporting their cards at anything but
>| 	640x480 resolution.  They have refused to tell us how their
>| 	cards work, and we have told all of our distributors to
>| 	discontinue carrying them (Gateway 2000 and Zeos).
>| So we'll see.  The fact that SCO is having trouble doesn't bode well
>| for our winning this battle.
>  Interesting, since SCO has a stealth X driver in their directory on
>uunet. I have very little information about it beyond that.
The solution for the support of X/Windows in the Freeware arena or
any other arena would be to design a VESA based driver for these
software packages. It would greatly simplify the need to design
specific drivers for specific cards. Granted the VESA drivers may not
take advantage of the hardware specific to the card; but, there would
still be a driver available until someone changes their minds.
How difficult would it be to support a VESA based driver under Unix?
This would be a place to start.

The problems with the support arose with the Speedstar 24X and Diamonds
proprietary technology used on the card. The Speedstar and Stealth
are both supported by ODT 1.x and 2.x now.  The generic TSENG drivers
, I am told should work for the Speedstar (ET4000) based card. 

Ken Germann              ZZZZ EEEE  OO   SSS    ZEOS International, Ltd.  
support@zeos.com   INET     Z E    O  O S       Technical Support Dept.
uunet!zeos!support UUCP    Z  EE   O  O  SS     530 5th Ave N.W.
800-228-5390      VOICE   Z   E    O  O    S    St. Paul, MN 55112
612-633-7337             ZZZZ EEEE  OO  SSS     FAX         612-633-4607