*BSD News Article 49195

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From: bwheeler@lssec.bt.co.uk (Ben/Jammin Wheeler)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc,comp.unix.bsd.netbsd
Subject: Mailing Lists
Date: 16 Aug 1995 14:40:05 GMT
Organization: BT, Churchill Engineering Centre
Lines: 15
Sender: bwheeler@dino (Ben/Jammin Wheeler)
Message-ID: <40t005$gsc@sol.lssec.bt.co.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dino.lssec.bt.co.uk
Keywords: ports, lists

I subscribed to the NetBSD announce and ports mailing lists via netbsd.org, and
had the acknowledgement of subscription, but have received no mail from either.
Are they dead? If so, what should I use to advertise/query a porting effort to
Sun386i ?

...jamm!n <jammin@umist.ac.uk>
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