*BSD News Article 49222

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From: jcaron@pressimage.net (Jacques Caron)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Mount DOS partition, how to?
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 1995 04:29:12 +0200
Organization: Pressimage, France
Lines: 35
Message-ID: <jcaron-1208950429120001@jc.pressimage.fr>
References: <40fuc2$mbi@abac.au.ac.th>
NNTP-Posting-Host: jc.pressimage.fr
X-Newsreader: Value-Added NewsWatcher 2.0b27+

In article <40fuc2$mbi@abac.au.ac.th>, u3525850@au1.au.ac.th (Panaya R.) wrote:

>        I have whole first drive format to dos, and whole second drive is
>freebsd... I want to mount dos partition ... I tried..
>        mount -t msdos /dev/wd0 /mnt
>        mount -t msdos /dev/wd0a /mnt
>        mount_msdos /dev/wd0 /mnt
>        mount_msdos /dev/wd0a /mnt
>        but none is works.. it reports 'invalid argument'
>        but when I tried on floppy disk..
>        mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt

Don't forget a hard disk is partitionned (you know, fdisk...). So you have
to specify which partition you're speaking of:

mount_msdos /dev/wd0s1 /mnt

/dev/wd0 is the whole disk
/dev/wd0s1 is the first fdisk partition


[cc'd to questionner].

--- Jacques Caron - Pressimage Telematique
    Mail:   5/7 rue Raspail - 93108 Montreuil Cedex - France
    E-mail: jcaron@pressimage.net
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