*BSD News Article 49312

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From: Jon Jenkins <jenkinsj@ozy.dec.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Object-oriented what?  (was: Future of FreeBSD)
Date: 20 Aug 1995 12:18:36 GMT
Organization: Digital Equipment Corp
Lines: 36
Message-ID: <41796s$2f3@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
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jkh@violet.berkeley.edu (Jordan K. Hubbard) wrote:
>In article <40vat2$n80@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>,
>Jon Jenkins  <jenkinsj@ozy.dec.com> wrote:

>>Ive still got a sweet spot for an HTML engine
>>based GUI. It is a standard and there are some 
>>spiffy tools for developing "interfaces" in HTML
>For what it's worth, so do I!  I even proposed the creation of a library
>for imbeding "httpd server" functionality in an arbitrary program, being
>able to write some sort or virtualized HTML with callback hooks for any
>of the imbeded objects, but that's going to be a lot of work before it's
>something I could easily contemplate writing an install with!
>						Jordan

Hmm yes that would be nice. I have been putting
off learning about Tcl/Tk or HTML until a consensus
was reached by "the users". But I suppose its
time to reach for the books and learn a little
about both or enough to make a reasonable
assessment. I think it is time to actually 
do some reading (yuk) and "hacking" (yay). 


Name:      Dr Jon Jenkins    Location: Digital Equipment Corporation NaC
Voice/Fax: 61-7-55-75-0151/100         Burnett Place, Research Park,  
Inet:      jenkinsj@ozy.dec.com        Bond University, Gold Coast
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