*BSD News Article 51337

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From: engel@numerik.fb6.uni-siegen.de (Michael Engel)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: TI 1500 request ...
Date: 21 Sep 1995 18:26:06 GMT
Organization: Computer Center, University of Siegen, Germany
Lines: 12
Message-ID: <43sanv$124@si-nic.hrz.uni-siegen.de>
NNTP-Posting-Host: abel.numerik.fb6.uni-siegen.de
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL9]

Hello all,

I recently saw a news article about a TI 1500 computer, but the article
was expired so I couldn't read it.
The article was obviously posted by Chrstian Plazas 

I can provide information about the TI1500 series if anyone wants it.

	Michael Engel 	(engel@numerik.fb6.uni-siegen.de)