*BSD News Article 51539

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From: eric@pandora.enet.net (Eric J. Schwertfeger)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: O.K., how do I go about getting and installing FreeBSD?
Date: 20 Sep 1995 06:37:01 -0700
Organization: Pandora (Private unix system)
Lines: 4
Message-ID: <43p5dt$3m@pandora.enet.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: pandora.enet.net
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O.K., how do I go about getting and installing FreeBSD?  I've seen the
386BSD FAQ, and I'll be printing it out and reading it today, but I didn't
see much in there about FreeBSD.  Would anyone mind emailing me a quick
overview of the process?