*BSD News Article 51590

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Path: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au!newshost.anu.edu.au!harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au!msunews!agate!reason.cdrom.com!usenet
From: "Jordan K. Hubbard" <jkh@FreeBSD.org>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: FreeBSD <->Linux - The Answer Found!!
Date: 25 Sep 1995 06:52:40 GMT
Organization: Walnut Creek CDROM
Lines: 38
Message-ID: <445jjo$9q9@reason.cdrom.com>
References: <441s6j$gdr@homer.alpha.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: time.cdrom.com
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (X11; I; FreeBSD 2.1-STABLE i386)
To: drig@earth.execpc.com
X-URL: news:441s6j$gdr@homer.alpha.net

drig@earth.execpc.com (David Rudder) wrote:
>	I'm a Linux user, primarily, installing FreeBSD for the first 
>time.  So, I read the Newsgroups.  Seems like there are a lot of people 
>asking which is better.  I had the same questions.  I've found the only 
>answer to this question.  Install both.  You see, you actually learn 
>which is better (for you), and you learn two intentionally different 
>Un*x's, and you also get to use that funky bootloader :)

Dear David,

I usually try to make it a policy to avoid publically chastising people too
openly in this newsgroup, but you have simply gone too far.  Logic, common
sense, fairness and objective analysis do NOT belong on USENET and your Rude
and Boorish attempts to treat its citizens as thinking, civilized beings is
simply not appreciated here! 

Have you ever considered how discriminated against the common moron has been?
Snubbed at parties, made to feel inferior by lauging bystanders who don't
understand how easy it is to spend 20 minutes pushing on doors plainly marked
"pull", ridiculed for the simple mistake of leaving the house with pants on
backwards - yes, up to now the unfortunate morons of the world have led sad and
lonely lives, unfairly penalized for their handicap by a cruel and uncaring
world!  Then it happened - the Great Miracle!  USENET!  An electronic
Shangri-la where every moron could finally and truly feel at home!  No need to
ever worry about saying the wrong thing, no question at all is considered too
stupid, there are plenty of other morons to talk to and nobody even minds if
you post an occasional copy of the New York phone book to alt.singles - a
veritable paradise for the clue disabled!

At least it is until somebody like you starts spouting sense or something!
Knock it off already!  The morons have had a long time in waiting for something
like USENET and they deserve it after all those centuries of persecution - quit
rocking the boat and leave them to their bliss!


P.S. FooNIX is better!  FooNIX RULES!!