*BSD News Article 53425

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From: michaelv@MindBender.HeadCandy.com (Michael L. VanLoon)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: Swap help
Date: 27 Oct 1995 05:31:16 GMT
Organization: HeadCandy Associates... Sweets for the lobes.
Lines: 41
Message-ID: <MICHAELV.95Oct26223116@MindBender.HeadCandy.com>
References: <45vk3u$1e0r@msunews.cl.msu.edu> <1995Oct26.081843.17791@wavehh.hanse.de>
NNTP-Posting-Host: mindbender.seanet.com
In-reply-to: cracauer@wavehh.hanse.de's message of Wed, 18 Oct 95 11:34:18 GMT

In article <1995Oct26.081843.17791@wavehh.hanse.de> cracauer@wavehh.hanse.de (Martin Cracauer) writes:

   julianje@msu.edu (Jere Julian) writes:

   >First, the rundown:  Intel 486DX33, 20MB RAM, Adaptech 1452CF SCSI Controller,
   >2 SCSI disks (0=Maxtor 7345-SCSI 329MB; 1=Quantum LPS270S 258MB)

   >When the machine tries using the swap memory I get a string of errors repeating:
   >aha0: DMA beyond end of ISA
   >sd0: Not queued
   >.. changing to sd1 later.  The system then crashes often dumping cores of its
   >Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Please email responses as I am on
   >an "expensive" dialup.  

   You can't use more than 20 MB RAM with your ISA Adaptec.

*16MB*, not 20.  The ISA bus can't access memory beyond 16MB.  You can
do one of three things:

1) Take out 4MB until this gets fixed.
2) Get a non-ISA SCSI controller (as in VLB, EISA, or PCI).
3) Run FreeBSD or Linux.

   FreeBSD has 'Bounce buffers' to solve this problem. That involes one
   more copy of the data transferred, don't know who much that affects

I've seen comments floating around the NetBSD groups in the last month
or two that hint that this might actually be implemented soon (like in
the next few months).  Until that time, you'll probably have to take
one of the options above.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Michael L. VanLoon                                 michaelv@HeadCandy.com
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