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Path: sserve!manuel!!!agate!!wjolitz From: (William F. Jolitz) Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd Subject: Catch What They're Saying About Us... Date: 23 Sep 1992 00:34:11 GMT Organization: U.C. Berkeley, CS Undergraduate Association Lines: 22 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Check out the "Re: Linux or 386BSD: neither or both ??" thread in comp.os.linux. It's pretty amazing what's being said about 386BSD and the people who've worked so hard on it. Since I'm not one who likes to let disinformation be the order of the day, I've challanged the Linux people to put their money where their mouths are and justify negative claims regarding 386BSD (this works both ways) -- the goal being to better and improve BOTH systems. I realize that in head-to-head competitions we'll win some, lose some, and draw some, but this is not really important. My hope is that competition and open discussion/debate, handled in a professional manner, might promote a lot of new ideas, especially regarding optimization of the system. We could all benefit from a bit of critical thinking. I invite comments, assistance, and new ideas to help make this a reality. If we do well, we might even set new records that the big guys haven't. The possibilities are endless. :-) Lynne Jolitz.