*BSD News Article 5446

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Message-ID: <YejqQPK00h70AvPkhV@cs.cmu.edu>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 92 14:34:03 -0400 
From: Gerald.Malan@cs.cmu.edu
Subject: Mach & BIOS access (was Re: Free software and the future of support for Diamond products)
In-Reply-To: <1992Sep21.154451.10085@cbnewsj.cb.att.com>
References: <1992Sep12.035549.4743@zeos.com> <1992Sep20.000851.2641@cbnewsj.cb.att.com> <1992Sep21.150821.9472@crd.ge.com>,
Lines: 72

In article <1992Sep21.154451.10085@cbnewsj.cb.att.com>
(david.e.wexelblat) writes:

>In article <1992Sep21.150821.9472@crd.ge.com> davidsen@crd.ge.com (bill
davidsen) writes:
>> In article <1992Sep20.000851.2641@cbnewsj.cb.att.com>,
dwex@cbnewsj.cb.att.com >(david.e.wexelblat) writes:
>> | Unless I've missed something, a VESA compliant board supports a
>> | standard, not a register-level standard.  Unix, like other

>> | operating systems, does not use the BIOS at all, except during
boot.  So 
>> | there's no such thing as a VESA-compliant driver under Unix, unless 
>> | someone hacks the kernel to allow this to work.
>>   Youu've missed something. The kernel supports vm86 operation, and it
>> is possible to drop into real mode, allow access to the i/o ports
>> needed, and run the BIOS in real mode, then exit back to protected
>> I am not suggesting this, I'm just saying it can be done.
>> -- 
>> bill davidsen, GE Corp. R&D Center; Box 8; Schenectady NY 12345
>>     I admit that when I was in school I wrote COBOL. But I didn't
>Well.  Learn something new every day.  Does anyone have a code sample
>shows how this may be done?

To clarify what happens with Mach (this message seems to be cross
posted to just about everywhere...), the kernel supports virtual 8086
(v86) mode for threads.  As mentioned, the on-board BIOS ROM you get
with your display card doesn't usually support VESA, it just supports
the basic VGA modes and Int 0x10 calls.  You must load a software
driver that intercepts the video BIOS calls (Int 0x10) and provides
support for the VESA routines.

The Mach kernel doesn't ever let anyone return the machine to Real
mode, it just lets you turn on V86 mode for a given thread.  You can
ask the kernel to allow transparent access to certain I/O ports so
that your program (the VESA driver) will be able to access the
hardware.  The only thing that the Mach kernel will NOT let you do, is
disable interrupts.  The V86 thread only thinks that interrupts are
off, while in fact, only "virtual" interrupts to that thread are

This is how the Mach DOS software lets programs access the VGA device.
We map the VGA or SuperVGA video memory into the V86 thread's task's
address space, enable the thread to access the SuperVGA's I/O ports,
and let 'er rip.

The Mach DOS video support doesn't do this though.  The Mach DOS
software intercepts the Int 0x10 calls, and simulates them by directly
writing to the SuperVGA's registers.  So the SuperVGA drivers are
never used (and only take up space if loaded).  The reason for this is
consistancy.  Who knows what the driver expects in the way of machine
control.  We didn't want some people's drivers to work, and others to
hang, so we just implemented them ourselves (better safe than sorry

Hope this helps.  If you want to look at code that would let you run
VESA drivers under Mach, you should examine the Mach DOS source code.
This is available via sup from CMU.  If you have any questions feel
free to ask.

Take care,
Rob Malan
Mach Research Programmer