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Path:!!!!!munnari.OZ.AU!!!!!!!!!!uw-coco!uw-beaver!!!!not-for-mail From: (Curt Sampson) Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc Subject: Re: NetBSD camp reaction to OpenBSD? Date: 26 Nov 1995 11:07:23 -0800 Organization: Internet Portal Services, Ltd. Lines: 19 Message-ID: <49adtb$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc:1449 comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:9637 In article <>, Jordan K. Hubbard <> wrote: >Not to say that I'm insensitive to how this might look from the outside; >yet another BSD? The Linux folks must be just wetting themselves.. :-) Why should they be? Have you counted the number of different `distributions' of Linux lately? From the user's viewpoint, BSD is actually much more coherent, because you don't have the nearly the user space differences between the Net/Free/Open/whateverBSDs that you do between the different Linux distributions. They can't even agree on a common directory hierarchy. cjs -- Curt Sampson Info at Internet Portal Services, Inc. Vancouver, BC (604) 257-9400 De gustibus, aut bene aut nihil.