*BSD News Article 56053

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From: Minsung Kim <stair@adam.kaist.ac.kr>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: ATAPI CD-ROM support
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 1995 19:07:26 +0900
Organization: Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
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Message-ID: <30C419DE.41C67EA6@adam.kaist.ac.kr>
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William Gianopoulos {84718} wrote:
> In the README file for the ATAPI boot floppy, it says that the CD_ROM
> drive must be a master, not a slave.  This seems like a strange restriction.
> Also, this is not mentioned anywhere else in the documentation.  Is this a
> restriction of the driver or just of the boot floppy?

My LG (previously known as GoldStar) 4x CD-ROM drive worked well
as a slave drive with the ATAPI boot floppy and a custom-compiled
kernel.  The kernel image in the root floppy (kernel.GENERIC)
didn't recognized my CD-ROM drive.

The restriction seems to be not so definitive, IMHO.

--  Stair

Minsung Kim <stair@adam.kaist.ac.kr>	Undergraduate CS Dept., KAIST