*BSD News Article 56627

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From: root@dyson.iquest.net (John S. Dyson)
Subject: Re: Linux vs FreeBSD
X-Nntp-Posting-Host: dyson.iquest.net
Message-ID: <4a1a6k$1pa@dyson.iquest.net>
Sender: news@iquest.net (News Admin)
Organization: John S. Dyson's home machine
References: <489kuu$rbo@pelican.cs.ucla.edu> <DJ2IBL.71t@nntpa.cb.att.com> <DJ3DM7.n0L@kroete2.freinet.de> <4a14v5$1lq@dyson.iquest.net>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 11:25:08 GMT
Lines: 15
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.os.linux.advocacy:30029 comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:10247 comp.unix.advocacy:12069 comp.unix.misc:20022

In article <4a14v5$1lq@dyson.iquest.net>,
John S. Dyson <root@dyson.iquest.net> wrote:
>What is the problem with the BSD copyright? -- I'll bet it is primarily that
>one must give credit to the developers and not take credit for work that
>others have done...  I think that is a very minor payback for lots of work.
>I have a very strong philosophical belief that one should always reward
>people for good performance -- it is part of a very important feedback
EEEEKKK...  Misspoke myself -- s/always reward/reward/  or perhaps "not
deny a reward"...
