*BSD News Article 56845

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From: barclay@king.trs.ntc.nokia.com (Alan Barclay)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: NetBSD on a NeXT Workstation?
Date: 13 Dec 1995 07:37:01 GMT
Organization: Nokia Group
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <4alvqt$oes@axl02it.ntc.nokia.com>
References: <49r1d5$bqj@daily-planet.nodak.edu> <49tl35$2ck@cnn.nas.nasa.gov> <slrn4c5gm8.apk.hwr@pilhuhn.de> <49vmuv$iid@cnn.nas.nasa.gov> <slrn4cqjia.5af.hwr@pilhuhn.de>
NNTP-Posting-Host: king.trs.ntc.nokia.com
To: hwr@pilhuhn.de (Heiko W.Rupp)

hwr@pilhuhn.de (Heiko W.Rupp)
> I am not sure. I guess not. If I had enough spare time I would try to
> help to implement NetBSD/NeXT :)

I may have said this here before.

Anyone interested in porting NetBSD to NeXT hardware might want to take a
look at the sources to AT&T Plan 9 (which was ported to NeXTstations
[mono only]) as these contain info for driving the hardware. On the other
hand you could just try asking NeXT for this same info - not sure what they
would say though.

I would like to do this myself but am not in a position to give much time to
running such a project.

Alan Barclay
The Electric Scribe Co. Ltd.