*BSD News Article 56921

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From: crawdad@munin.fnal.gov (Matt Crawford)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: PCMICIA ethernet problem: media dependent
Date: 15 Dec 1995 09:48:40 -0600
Organization: Network 23
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <4as5co$hbq@munin.fnal.gov>
NNTP-Posting-Host: munin.fnal.gov

I have just installed 2.1.0 on a "Notebook" brand laptop, which also
runs NT 3.5.1.  For the PCMCIA ethernet card (a 3Com Etherlink III) I
have two adapters: one for 10bT and one for 10b2 (also known as
thinwire).  I can use either one with NT by selecting the appropriate
type in a configuration tool.  Under FreeBSD I can't get the coax
adapter to work at all.  I've tried every combination of link0, link1
and link2 falgs to ifconfig -- no matter how I set them, 10bT works
and the other doesn't.  There's no "man zp".  The source of the
driver makes me think that "-link0" should have done the trick, but
it didn't.

I'd really like to get it working, because the 10bT adapter belongs
to a different machine!
Matt Crawford          crawdad@fnal.gov          Fermilab
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