*BSD News Article 57476

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From: kelly@emu.fsl.noaa.gov (Sean Kelly)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Auto logout disable?
Date: 21 Dec 1995 00:43:26 GMT
Organization: Forecast Systems Laboratory
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <4baaje$nq9@peabody.Colorado.EDU>
References: <4b6361$5f7@news.bluemoon.net> <199512192338.AA06431@Sysiphos> <Pine.BSF.3.91.951219213127.4100B-100000@news.bluemoon.net> <4b80dn$l93@louie.udel.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: emu.fsl.noaa.gov

In article <4b80dn$l93@louie.udel.edu>,
Jerry Alexandratos <alexandr@stimpy.eecis.udel.edu> wrote:
>This is a feature of tcsh.  The autologout variable defaults to 60
>minutes if it is not set.  

It's also a feature of something else----rlogind, I suspect.  I use
tcsh, but I don't have autologout set.  In fact, I explicitly do
``unset autologout'' in my .login.

But whenever I rlogin to a FreeBSD host and leave the connection idle,
the peer resets the connection after random amounts of time---or maybe
at a fixed time each evening.  But only if there's no activity.  Go
figure.  It could be my service provider, too (ppp).

And, no, I'm not using rlogind -n.

Any hints?  I've never investigated it since it's a really minor

Sean Kelly
NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory, Boulder Colorado USA

If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back? -- Steven Wright