*BSD News Article 57634

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From: james@parody.tecc.co.uk (James Raynard)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: [Q] My "ping" does not work..
Date: 23 Dec 1995 00:11:46 -0000
Organization: A FreeBSD box
Lines: 34
Message-ID: <4bfhg2$uo@parody.tecc.co.uk>
References: <4bb5om$saf@sun330.snu.ac.kr>
NNTP-Posting-Host: localhost

In article <4bb5om$saf@sun330.snu.ac.kr>,
Jun Gyu-Chang <geoid@retcam.snu.ac.kr> wrote:
>  When I log as root, "ping" does work well.
>  But, as a plain user, I can not "ping" anywhere..
>  The messages from ping is
>  "ping: socket: Permission denied"

This is because ping uses raw sockets, which require super-user privileges.
Ping must either be run by root, or be setuid root.

>  "ping" owned by "bin" user and "bin" group..

On my 2.1.0-RELEASE system

-r-sr-xr-x  1 root  bin	118784 Nov 16 09:49 /sbin/ping

To fix this, do (as root)

# cd /sbin
# chown root.bin ping
# chmod u+s ping

Note that setuid programs can compromise system security. You should only
make a program setuid root if you have to, and then you should check it
carefully first to make sure it is not open to misuse. (Programs that come
with the operating system are usually OK unless they've been tampered with).

Segmentation fault (core dumped): cannot find file '.signature'