*BSD News Article 57707

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From: terry@spcvxb.spc.edu (Terry Kennedy, Operations Mgr.)
Subject: Re: New BIOS for 4gig drive?
X-Nntp-Posting-Host: spcvxa.spc.edu
References: <4bh8j5$qfa@hops.entertain.com>
Sender: news@spcuna.spc.edu (Network News)
X-Nntp-Posting-User: TERRY
Organization: St. Peter's College, US
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 1995 18:23:16 GMT
Message-ID: <1995Dec23.132316.1@spcvxb.spc.edu>
Lines: 21

In article <4bh8j5$qfa@hops.entertain.com>, dwatson@abwam.com (Darryl Watson) writes:
> When I reboot the machine, right before the drive names get
> printed on the screen, and before the BSDi boot block gets
> loaded, I get a message which says something to the effect that
> I have to upgrade my BIOS!  This seems to be coming from the
> BusLogics card, not BSDi.  I didn't get this message before
> adding the 4-gig drive, so I suspect that my BIOS is an earlier
> one which either can't support a 4-gig drive, or can't support
> 4 gigs in a single partition.  ;)  It would also explain why
> I got 'can't write label' messages when I tried to partition the 
> drive.

  This is described in the BusLogic manuals. Go into your board's setup
(type Control-B while it's displaying the BusLogic banner) and disable
support for drives > 2GB. I think it's in "advanced options". The board
is confused because the geometry it reported isn't being used by the
INT 13 code in the bootstrap.

	Terry Kennedy		  Operations Manager, Academic Computing
	terry@spcvxa.spc.edu	  St. Peter's College, Jersey City, NJ USA
        +1 201 915 9381 (voice)   +1 201 435-3662 (FAX)