*BSD News Article 57793

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From: Doug Lerner <doug@gol.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Help! Newsgroups stopped being accepted!
Date: 2 Jan 1996 09:40:41 GMT
Organization: Global OnLine Japan (+81-3-5330-9385)
Lines: 32
Message-ID: <4cauiq$sla@gol2.gol.com>
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Help! I changed my BIND data files this morning to accommodate two 
domain names, and I *thought* everything was fine, but....

innd has stopped accepting all my news feeds from my provider!

The log file


suddenly started reported a "-" instead of a "+" for all the messages 
that came through. (According to the innd man page this means the 
message was rejected.) It must have something to do with me changing the 
BIND data. 

The error message is "message is too far in the future", but my 
machine's "date" looks ok.

Everything else, like email and pings to all my machines seem to be ok.

Any suggestions? I'm going crazy trying to find the cause!


p.s. I called my provider and asked for advice and they said, "our log 
shows the batches going to you. It must be a configuration problem on 
your end and that is up to you." Great! 250,000 yen/month for a 64K line 