*BSD News Article 58265

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From: james@parody.tecc.co.uk (James Raynard)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Help....
Date: 27 Dec 1995 21:09:42 -0000
Organization: A FreeBSD box
Lines: 30
Message-ID: <4bscmm$o5@parody.tecc.co.uk>
References: <4bqgtt$uoh@styx.uwa.edu.au>
NNTP-Posting-Host: localhost
Keywords: freebsd

In article <4bqgtt$uoh@styx.uwa.edu.au>,
Adrian Khoo <tiger@tartarus.uwa.edu.au> wrote:
>Could someone please help me.... i need to know where to get all the 
>files required to LEARN how to use freebsd..... Im currently using Win95 

The handbook's in /usr/share/doc/handbook in both HTML and ASCII formats;
for the latest version (or if you don't have a running system to look at),
go to http://www.freebsd.org/handbook/

>and have some experiences in OSF/1 on the DEC... any assistance will be 
>appreciated...... also I would like to know how to run the C Compilers....

gcc -o myprog prog1.c prog2.c

will generate an executable called 'myprog' from the source files 
prog1.c and prog2.c (if you leave out the "-o myprog" bit, the executable 
will be called 'a.out' instead). You can then run it by typing


in the directory where you compiled it.

>Is there any freebsd association or user group which I can join?

There have been a couple of people posting in here about starting up user 
groups in Australia recently, so you're in luck!

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