*BSD News Article 58433

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From: pete@millenium.tiac.net (Pete Davis)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: 3COM PCI?
Date: 29 Dec 1995 05:31:09 GMT
Organization: The Internet Access Company
Lines: 14
Message-ID: <4bvuet$ap6@sundog.tiac.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: millenium.tiac.net
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I am attempting to use a PC 3com card which appears to be at interrupt 6000
and not changeable.  Does anybody have any luck in getting FreeBSD to
recognize one of these?  If so, what did you have to do?



	  Peter Davis - Sr. Systems & Network Engineer <pete@tiac.net>
   The Internet Access Company  PO Box 1098  Bedford MA  617-276-7200
		Mail info@tiac.net for a list of access-points!