*BSD News Article 58779

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From: martini@heaven7.snafu.de (Martin Ibert)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: NetBSD/amiga: How do I access my 2232?
Date: 02 Jan 1996 22:12:26 +0100
Organization: The Seventh Heaven, Berlin, Germany
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maybe I'm a bit stupid, but I have yet to figure out how I am supposed
to use the 7 serial ports that my 2232 serial multiport card
provides. I have configured the device into the kernel; the dmesg
lines are

	msc0 at zbus0 rom 0xe90000 man/pro 514/70
	msc0: Board successfully initialized.
	msc0: Normal version detected (c083:1)

Looks good, doesn't it? I have even found (in arch/amiga/amiga/conf.c) that
the device major appears to be c/31, and (in arch/amiga/dev/msc.c) the
scheme for generating the minor numbers. But the MAKEDEV scripts do
not seem to support these devices.

Of course I can mknod them myself, but I'd rather not if there is a
better documented way of doing it. Or, if I have to do it all by
myself, I'd like to know if there is a "standard" or "proposed" way of
naming the devices.

Thanks in advance!
   __       | Martin Ibert, Fürstenweg 11, D-13589 Berlin-Spandau, Germany, EU
  (  )__    | martini@heaven7.snafu.de, Fon: +4930-3753479, Fax: +4930-3753699
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(_________) | All that we see or seem/is but a dream within a dream. -- E.A.P.

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