*BSD News Article 58816

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From: seb@erix.ericsson.se (Sebastian Strollo)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc,comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: NFS woes
Date: 12 Jan 1996 16:12:25 +0100
Organization: Ericsson Utvecklings AB, Stockholm, Sweden
Lines: 41
Sender: seb@scotch.eua.ericsson.se
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:11967 comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc:1802

[This problem probably exists on more OS:s than {Free,Net}BSD, but that
is what I am using.]

At our site we have our home directory mounted over nfs with the
-maproot=nobody (a not to unusual way of having it(?)). But it seems
that if a file that e.g. has permisions 0600 and owned by a user is in
the cache root can read it? Below is an example (with my home
directory NFS mounted).

% cat > ~/foo
% chmod 0600 foo 
% su
# cat foo
cat: foo: Permission denied
# z
% cat foo
% fg
# cat foo

I actually noticed this when running X with MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 for
access control. xterm was then unable to start (it runs setuid, and
therefore is not allowed to read my ~/.Xauthority). But curiously
sometimes it did work! So what I really wanted to solve was how to run
xterm and still have my home dirs mounted with -maproot=nobody. I am
sure this is a common problem(?), anyone care to share their solution?


[FreeBSD] oh yes, unrelated to the above but related to NFS, an idea
for /etc/sysconfig: add a nfs_secure (or something) variable so that
one can add the -P flag without modifying /etc/rc. (Seeing that this
is already an install-time option, it would seem consistent to have it
in the sysconfig)