*BSD News Article 58912

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Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Path: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au!newshost.anu.edu.au!harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au!news.uwa.edu.au!DIALix!melbourne.DIALix.oz.au!seeware!mark
From: mark@seeware.DIALix.oz.au (Mark Hannon)
Subject: Re: Help ! How can I print on a DeskJet ?
Organization: Private FreeBSD site
Message-ID: <DKs202.3Iy@seeware.DIALix.oz.au>
References: <30EBA1B7.1164@bemarnet.es>
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 1996 20:52:49 GMT
Lines: 33

Antonio Navarro Navarro (webmaster@bemarnet.es) wrote:
: Hello,

: I have a DeskJet 540 printer conected via LPT1 to mi PC, but FreeBSD is 
: not able to print on it. When I send data to the printer the leds begin 
: to light, but nothing is printed. What files should I modify in order to 
: print on the Deskjet 500 printers ? (I also have a 550C and a 500) 

I have a deskjet 520 and have installed apsfilter to print to it.  This
software filters all files sent to the printer into postscript and then
uses ghostscript to convert that into the correct codes for your printer.
This means you can print graphics etc.  Bit slow but works like a charm.

Grab it from:

        ftp server:     pcserver.du.gtn.com
	directory:      /pub/apsfilter

        ftp server:     ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
	directory :     pub/Linux/local/packs/APSfilter

I'm not sure (my 2.1 CD isn't mounted....) but I think that this may even
be a port/package now.


| Mark Hannon,| FreeBSD - Free Unix for your PC| mark@seeware.DIALix.oz.au|
| Melbourne,  | PGP key available by fingering | epamha@epa.ericsson.se   |
| Australia   | seeware@melbourne.DIALix.oz.au |                          |