*BSD News Article 58936

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From: Doug Lerner <doug@gol.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Compiling RADIUS under FreeBSD
Date: 7 Jan 1996 11:51:19 GMT
Organization: Global OnLine Japan (+81-3-5330-9385)
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I modified line 1429 of radiusd.c to change the "x" to an "*", simply 
because the /etc/passwd file has asterisks in place of passwords. But I 
really don't know what I am doing.

Anyway, the source all compiles and objects are made, but there is an 
error at link time:

undefined symbol _crypt referenced from text segment

so I was unable to make an executable file.

Does anybody know how to solve this problem?


Doug Lerner,