*BSD News Article 58961

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From: halset@rubin16 (Tore Halset)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: NetBSD/mac68k vs A/UX
Date: 7 Jan 1996 19:56:52 GMT
Organization: University of Trondheim, Norway
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <4cp8i4$3hv@due.unit.no>
Reply-To: halset@pvv.unit.no
NNTP-Posting-Host: rubin16.idt.unit.no
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I need a unix-machine at home for:
    -cap or netatalk (does netatalk work with NetBSD/mac68k?)
    -ppp or slip
    -some X work
    -uucp and pop

I already know a bit about A/UX (and have a license). The machine would be a
IIci without monitor. I will use the machine from another Mac on the local

Should I use NetBSD or A/UX?
