*BSD News Article 59116

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From: tom@tarush.chattanooga.net (Tom Rush)
Subject: Re: Custom boot floppy?
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Organization: Rush Co.
Message-ID: <DL9zFz.97@tarush.chattanooga.net>
References: <30F57620.41C6@cs.uml.edu> <30F622EE.2781E494@FreeBSD.org> <i66hgy1fiy2.fsf@graphics.cis.upenn.edu>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1996 13:14:22 GMT
Lines: 21

Timothy N. Jones (tnj@graphics.cis.upenn.edu) wrote:
: I have two hard drives.  Windows 95 is on the first, and I want to put FreeBSD
: on the second.  I don't want to muck around with the MBR on the first (which I
: believe implies that I don't want to install a boot manager).

: With Linux, I create a boot floppy which loads Linux from the second drive.  I
: boot off this floppy when I want to run Linux.  Is such a thing currently
: possible with FreeBSD?

This can be done with the installation boot floppy.  When the "Boot: " prompt
appears, type "sd(1,a)/kernel" (both drives on SCSI controller);
"wd(1,a)/kernel" (both drives on IDE controller); or "hd(1,a)/kernel" for
special case when BSD is on first drive, but on a second controller.

The only thing you are using on the floppy are the boot blocks; the kernel
is on the hard drive.  This is a much simpler problem than that of the
original poster, who needed a custom kernel _on_ the floppy.

Tom Rush