*BSD News Article 59130

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From: robot@village.ios.com (Mr. Roboto)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc
Subject: Just Logic SQL DB : any comments?
Date: 9 Jan 1996 20:48:44 GMT
Organization: Internet Online Services
Lines: 14
Message-ID: <4cukbc$cin@news.ios.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: village.ios.com
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

i'm considering running the just logic SQL database package on a BSDI 
machine as the backend to a web project.  any comments or recommendations 
regarding a good, solid DB that'll handle (potentially) a website that'll 
receive thousands of hits per day?

i've heard of mSQL, but i was also told that it's not multithreaded, and 
lacks support.  i don't have _too_ much time to play at tuning the DB, so 
mSQL might be rejected on these grounds.

any thoughts would be appreciated.  please reply to robot@village.ios.com 
as i don't often check this group.
