*BSD News Article 59132

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From: se@ZPR.Uni-Koeln.DE (Stefan Esser)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: New User Admin
Date: 9 Jan 1996 21:54:36 GMT
Organization: Institute for Mathematics, University of Cologne, Germany
Lines: 29
Sender: se@Sysiphos (Stefan Esser)
Message-ID: <4cuo6s$9kv@news.rrz.uni-koeln.de>
References: <4caoal$bpa@news2.realtime.net> <4cth1n$cf6@sidhe.hsc-sec.fr> <4ctlao$15iq@info4.rus.uni-stuttgart.de>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sysiphos.mi.uni-koeln.de
To: schweikh@itosun.ito.uni-stuttgart.de (Jens Schweikhardt)

In article <4ctlao$15iq@info4.rus.uni-stuttgart.de>, schweikh@itosun.ito.uni-stuttgart.de (Jens Schweikhardt) writes:

|> Another caveat: If
|>  - you are root and
|>  - you make bash your login shell and
|>  - bash is using the shared libraries (use ldd `which bash` to find out)
|> then be sure to have the shared libraries on the root file system
|> (they are not if you made /usr a separate partition). You will
|> otherwise have some problems when during boot up 
|> not all file systems can be mounted.

Well, and for exactly this reason the single 
user shell is /bin/sh and NOT the root shell
specified in the password file ...

|> I once ran into this, when I substituted /bin/sh with bash
|> [Init wanted to fork a /bin/sh to process /etc/rc, which
|> required shared libs, which we're on /usr, which was only
|> mounted _after_ /etc/rc had been processed.

Hmm, but this was not on FreeBSD, I suppose ?

Regards, STefan
 Stefan Esser, Zentrum fuer Paralleles Rechnen		Tel:	+49 221 4706021
 Universitaet zu Koeln, Weyertal 80, 50931 Koeln	FAX:	+49 221 4705160
 http://www.zpr.uni-koeln.de/~se			  <se@ZPR.Uni-Koeln.DE>