*BSD News Article 59191

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From: gi101@cus.cam.ac.uk (G. Ioannou)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Mitsumi FX300 CDROM and 2.1.0R
Date: 16 Jan 1996 20:16:52 GMT
Organization: University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine
Lines: 13
Message-ID: <4dh13k$lbq@lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk>
References: <4d94di$i53@lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk> <DL8r9r.q7@mail.physik.fu-berlin.de>
Reply-To: gi101@cam.ac.uk
NNTP-Posting-Host: ursa.cus.cam.ac.uk

In article <DL8r9r.q7@mail.physik.fu-berlin.de>,
Thomas Graichen <graichen@mail.physik.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
>the atapi.flp of 2.1.0 (and the kernel.ATAPI too) only supports the
>drive as slave on the first controller (because only wd1 is not used

Thanks for the tip.  I have finally managed to make it work, using
exactly this configuration: IDE drive master + CD-ROM slave on primary
controller, EIDE drive on secondary.  I had already tried this
arrangement before, but rejected it because the computer wouldn't boot
at all (wouldn't even read the hard disk).  That was fixed for some
reason when I removed the EIDE disk entry from CMOS.  Anyway, it
works fine now, and all I have to do is compile a new kernel to use
the CD-ROM, as the generic one does not support it.