*BSD News Article 59355

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From: jaitken@csugrad.cs.vt.edu (Jeff Aitken)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: next release, when?
Date: 10 Jan 1996 10:19:38 -0500
Organization: Virginia Tech Computer Science Dept, Blacksburg, VA
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <4d0lea$bir@csugrad.cs.vt.edu>
References: <4ck9pd$j3n@news.csus.edu> <4cl4r9$p17@agate.berkeley.edu>
Reply-To: jaitken@vt.edu
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Jordan K. Hubbard (jkh@violet.berkeley.edu) wrote:

: Hard to say, but there's general plan to try and release 2.2 around
: the end of this summer.

Is there a list somewhere of things that will be a part of 2.2R?  
I assume you (i.e., the core team) categorize things, perhaps like:

1. Must be done before x.x
2. Would like to be done before x.x, definitely before x.y
3. Optional for x.x, would like to have by x.y, required for x.z

If I were so inclined, how would I go about learning the contents of
these categories?  Furthermore, will 2.2 be the next release, or will
there be 2.1.x releases?

Jeff Aitken